18th Lunenburg Maple Festival
Join our town’s maple sugaring heritage celebration in a full day of free and affordable family fun - immersion in everything maple! Pancake breakfast 8 – 10:30. "Meet" our generations of sugarmakers through interactive, static, photographic displays and antique sugaring equipment. Enjoy raffles, free door prize drawings, display of student poster contest entries and their sugaring unit presentation, maple quilt square contest entries and quilt raffle, maple cotton candy, and bake sale throughout the day. Maple cake baking contest judging begins at 10:30 with cake sales immediately after winners are announced. Experience the diverse sugaring operations during the self-guided tours of local open sugarhouses 10 – 3. Learn about backyard sugaring at the tree tapping demonstration at 11:00. Refuel with the homemade soups and bread lunch from noon – 2. Maple theme and Lunenburg gift items available for purchase, including A Wicked Good Run and Lunenburg T-shirts.
Date and Time
Saturday Mar 22, 2025
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM EDT
03/22/2025 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Lunenburg School 49 Bobbin Mill Rd. Lunenburg, VT
Free raffles, food, product sales carry a charge
Contact Information
FMI or questions, call Chris at 802-892-6654 (voice)
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